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  • 2- Post Lifts

    8,000 to 18,000 lbs.

    Nussbaum offers 2 post lifts with capacities from 8,000-18,000 pounds. We offer a full line of arm options- Low Profile, 3 Stage, and our own Nussbaum OTTO double jointed arms.

  • Inground Lifts

    Toplift Series 8,000- 12,000 lbs

    The TSK inground lift can be used with a wide range of vehicles, from small cars to vans and off-road vehicles without having to drive-over the superstructure, preventing tire/wheel damage and providing more access to the vehicle under carriage.

  • Scissor Lifts - Full Rise

    JUMBO 7 & JUMBO 9

    Nussbaum full rise scissor lifts are the perfect lift for car inspection, tire service, fast repair, dealerships and service centers.

  • Scissor Lifts- Mid Rise

    Quicklube & Sprinter

    The Quick Lube mid-rise lift has great flexibility for almost any application. The SPRINTER is a portable mid-rise lift with a 39" lifting height, covering 90% of all activities in the garage.

  • Alignment Racks

    Scissor & 4 Post

    Nussbaum provides you alignment lift options both in a scissor lift with our UNI LIFT Series and a 4 Post lift with our COMBI LIFT series. The UNI LIFT series ranges from 9K-18K lbs, and the COMBI LIFT series is available in 15K or 19K lbs.

  • OTTO Lifts- Featured Series

    2 Post & Inground

    The OTTO Double Jointed arms offer full service underneath the car allowing all covers to be removed to get to batteries, the ability to always open the doors, and obstruction free access!

  • Parking Lifts

    Parking Lifts for home and professional use

    Nussbaum Parking has over 40 years of experience in the manufacturing and installation of lifting equipment. We are currently servicing projects worldwide and have extensive know-how in the fields of hydraulics and control software.

  • Parts & Accessories

    Find parts and accessories for all the Nussbaum lifts offered in the webshop.


2- Post Lifts

8,000 to 18,000 lbs.

Nussbaum offers 2 post lifts with capacities from 8,000-18,000 pounds. We offer a full line of arm options- Low Profile, 3 Stage, and our own Nussbaum OTTO double jointed arms.


Inground Lifts

Toplift Series 8,000- 12,000 lbs

The TSK inground lift can be used with a wide range of vehicles, from small cars to vans and off-road vehicles without having to drive-over the superstructure, preventing tire/wheel damage and providing more access to the vehicle under carriage.


Scissor Lifts - Full Rise


Nussbaum full rise scissor lifts are the perfect lift for car inspection, tire service, fast repair, dealerships and service centers.


Scissor Lifts- Mid Rise

Quicklube & Sprinter

The Quick Lube mid-rise lift has great flexibility for almost any application. The SPRINTER is a portable mid-rise lift with a 39" lifting height, covering 90% of all activities in the garage.


Alignment Racks

Scissor & 4 Post

Nussbaum provides you alignment lift options both in a scissor lift with our UNI LIFT Series and a 4 Post lift with our COMBI LIFT series. The UNI LIFT series ranges from 9K-18K lbs, and the COMBI LIFT series is available in 15K or 19K lbs.


OTTO Lifts- Featured Series

2 Post & Inground

The OTTO Double Jointed arms offer full service underneath the car allowing all covers to be removed to get to batteries, the ability to always open the doors, and obstruction free access!


Parking Lifts

Parking Lifts for home and professional use

Nussbaum Parking has over 40 years of experience in the manufacturing and installation of lifting equipment. We are currently servicing projects worldwide and have extensive know-how in the fields of hydraulics and control software.


Parts & Accessories

Find parts and accessories for all the Nussbaum lifts offered in the webshop.


Nussbaum lifts

Quality and innovation for three generations - How does it work?

With more than 40 years of experience and hundreds of thousands of lifts sold to workshops and service companies worldwide, Nussbaum is one of the largest manufacturers of lifting platforms for vehicle professionals worldwide.


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