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Lifts for cars and vans

Look below to find the full line up of Nussbaum lifts for motor vehicles, trucks, and vans from 7,000 to 19,000 lbs. Whether you need a scissor, 2 post, 4 post, or in-ground, we have a lift to not only meet, but exceed your needs!

Double Scissor Lifts JUMBO 7 Lifting capacity: 7000 lb Item No: JLB035.0720000U
Double Scissor Lifts JUMBO 9 Lifting capacity: 9000 lb Item No: JLB040.0720000U
2 post lifts SLH 8 A SC (Lo-Pro) Lifting capacity: 8000 lb Item No: SLH235.1510050U-7016
2 post lifts SLH 10 A UNI Lifting capacity: 10000 lb Item No: SLH246.1510010U-7016

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